טור ההופס של מנחם לס ליום ששי: דנטה אקסום – הסוד הכמוס מדאון-אנדר


בא לי לדבר עם עצמי היום, יום הולדתי. על מה אדבר? על אשתי הנהדרת? מה יש לדבר עליה?

-אשה נהדרת עם לב זהב (פלוס גדול)

-אם נהדרת לבנות ולבנים (פלוס גדול)

-סבתא שאין טובה ממנה לנכדות ונכדים (פלוס גדול)

-סבתא-רבה לנינים ונינות (פלוס גדול)

-אוהדת לייקרס (מינוס גדול, גדול, גדול, גדול – שניתרל את כל הפלוסים!)

טוב, נעזוב את העניינים האישיים בצד. אני מאושר עם חיי, עם אשתי, עם בנותי, נכדותי, וניני. אני בריא. אני אוהב את אמריקה. אני אוהב את ישראל. אני בריא ובכושר מצויין לזקן כמוני בן 76 (הרופא אמר לי אחרי ה-'פיזיקל' וכל בדיקות הדם שהגוף הוא של אחד בן 50, אבל המוח…המוח של בן 5!)

אז בואו נעזוב את זה ונעבור לדבר החשוב באמת – הופס. חשבתם פעם על הגאון שהמציא את הכינוי HOOPS לכדורסל? מעניין מי הוא.

אז משום מה בא לי לדבר עם עצמי על הפאור פורוורדס של הליגה. למה? כי לדעתי זו העמדה החזקה ביותר היום בליגה, כשרק הפוינט גארדים מגיעים – אולי – לדרגתם. אבל למי בא לדבר על גמדים כשיש גברים אמיתיים לדיסקוס?

קודם כל, מי הוא הפאור פורוורד הטוב בליגה? אני לא יודע 'מי הטוב ביותר'. אבל אני יודע את מי הייתי בוחר ראשון.

1. קווין לאב

אני הולך עם קווין לאב. אני יודע שהוא החמיץ את רוב עונת 2012-13 אבל זה רק מוסיף למסתוריות. הוא הוורסטילי מכולם. כשיחזור בריא העונה הוא יהיה הפאור פורוורד עם ה-SIZE הטוב ביותר: לא גבוה מדי ולא נמוך מדי. גוף מצויין להגנה והתקפה, ובשניהם הוא הריבאונדר הטוב מכל מספרי 4. הוא גם השוטר הטוב מכל 4 אחר בליגה. החולשה היחידה שלו היא בשמירה אישית 'אחד-על-אחד', אבל אם תשאלו את מומי, אז אפילו למונה ליזה ישנם חסרונות (ואם תשאלו את הדוק הקשיש, לדעתי היא אחת הנשים המכוערות שחיו באירופה).


הוא בן 24. הסטטיסטיקה שלו היא 18.3 נק' למשחק. ריבאונדים? 14.0. הדבר היחיד המונע ממני לצאת מעורי הם הפציעות. אטני לא חושב שהוא מין 'נוטה לפציעות'; פשוט מזל רע. תראו: שחקן שהוא גדול בקידוח שלשות, והוביל את הליגה בריב' למשחק. הדבר היחיד שיש לי נגדו הוא אי היכולת להביא את הוולבס לפלייאוף. להגנתו? לא היתה לו את הקבוצה לפלייאוף בגלל פציעות (רוביו וכו'). אבל העונה עם קבוצה מלאה, הוא חייב להביא את מינסוטה עמוק בפלייאוף מאטו שאני מוציא אותו מהחמישייה הראשונה של הפאוורים.
2. למרכוס אולדרידג'


גם הוא לא הביא את פורטלנד לפלייאוף, וזאת לא אשמתו. לא היו לו כלים. יש לו SIZE, יש לו אתלטיות, ויש לו ג'אמפר לא רע מ-6 מטרים. הוא לא הטוב ביותר בשום דבר מיוחד, אך בסך כל היכולות הוא הפאור פורוורד שבא מיד אחרי לאב. ולא, לא שכחתי זאבים וותיקים כטים דאנקן, דריק נוביצקי, וקווין גארנט – אבל גילם, והשחיקות של גופם, מעמידים את שני הראשונים באותו סדר אחרי לאב ואלדרידג' בעוד שגארנט נופל אחורנית בכמה מספרים.



בן ה-28 הזה יושב על 21.1 נק', 9.1 ריב', ו-1.2 חסימות מהעונה שעברה. הוא יכול לתת ללאב מלחמה על הכסף אם יתחיל להימנע מזריקות רחוקות ויתחיל להבין שמקומו בצבע ולא בשום מקום אחר.
הסטטיסטיקה המבהילה שלו היא שהוא זרק יותר מכל שחקן אחר ב-NBA ממרחקים של 5 עד 8 מטרים, והוא קלעי פחות מבינוני מהמרחקים הללו. ה-543 זריקות שלו משם קברו את ה-475 של השני מהמרחקים הללו –  דמר דרוזן.

3. קנת' פאריד

אני רואה מגרינוויל את הפנים המשתאות של מאות גולשים המושכים בשערותיהם וצורחים, 'מה? הדוק נפל על ראשו? הוא כבר 52 שנה ב-NBA ויש לו הבנה של בדואי במאהל בסעודיה בן 9'. כל מי שאני אומר זה שאם אני מאמן ב-NBA, אני בוחר שלישי בקנת'. נוביצקי, דאנקן, גארנט? שהילד הבדואי ייבחר. אני לא בונה לי בית זקנים. אין לי את הסטטיסטיקה שלו, ואני לא מתכוון ללכת לחפש אותה כי היא בוודאי לא  מרקידה הרים וגבעות. אבל אני רואה את בן ה-23 הזה כאחד הפאור פורוורדים האתלטיים והסוערים ביותר בליגה. ריבאונדר פר-אקסלנס. שחקן הגורם מהומות תחת הסל, ואני מת שמייק ששבסקי יראה בו מה שאני רואה, ויכניסו לנבחרת לאליפות העיןולם וא"כ לאולימפיאדת ריו.

4. בלייק גריפין

בחירה קשה, אבל אני בוחר בו רביעי. הבעייה של בלייק גריפין היתה שהוא הגיע לליגה עם מין אאורה של 'הדבר הבא'. הוא הגיע מהמכללות אחרי פציעה שהשביתה אותו עונה שלמה, ואז בגלל מעופיו לשמיים חשבו שהוא מין קרל מלון עם ניתורים של ד"ר ג'יי. ברוןר שהוא איכזב כי הוא לא קרל מלון ולא ד"ר ג'יי. הוא בלייק גריפין, צעיר שהגיע לליגה מאד אוברייטד. ולכן הוא היווה אכזבה די גדולה. אבל אז עשו ממנו 'כשלון גדול', ובעונה שעברה הוא הפך לדעתי למאד אנדרייטד, ואני נותן לו צ'אנס העונה להראות לי שהוא שייך לחמשת הראשונים לפני זאק רנדולף ופאו גאסול. האתלטיות שלו וניתוריו לא מפסיקים לנקר בראשי "אל תשכח את בלייק! הוא בדרך לקרוע את הליגה!", אבל זה לא קרה. הוא לא קרע את הליגה. הוא פשוט  שיחק מצויין עם שורת סטטיסטיקה של:

 18.0 points, 8.3 rebounds, 3.7 assists, 1.2 steals, 0.6 blocks, 22.4 PER

הציפיות ממנו היו בלתי ריאליות, ולכן אנשים לא שמו לב כמה שיפור היה במשחקו, ובעיקר במשחק ההגנה שלו כשממגן ללא מושג הוא הפך לאחד הטובים בליגה ב-ISOLATION.

5. כריס בוש (אחרי היסוסים רבים אני בוחר בו לפני דמרכוס קאזנס)

עוד בחירה שתוריד אותי לרמה של אסקימוס בן 7 בקוטב הצפוני. אבל אני מקווה שאתם מסוגלים להיות רציניים לרגע ולהקשיב לבנאדם שמנסה להכניס מעט הגיון לראשיכם במקום שתצחקו, תלעגו, ותבטלו את כריס בוש הזה כ-"בושית", ומה לא. ראשית הסטטיסטיקה:

Per-Game Stats: 16.6 points, 6.8 rebounds, 1.7 assists, 0.9 steals, 1.4 blocks, 20.0 PER

ואת כל זה הוא השיג כשהוא ה-GO-TO השלישי בקבוצה, וכשריי אלן היה על הפארקט, כרביעי. ראשית, המספרים האלה כמיקשה אחת טובים מאלה של גארנט, רנדולף, דייויד לי, פאו גאסול, סרג'י איבקה או פול מילסאפ. לטים דאנקן  ונוביצקי היו מספרים דומים, אך הם כבר לא פקטור עבורי; לקבוצתי לא הייתי בוחר בהם השבוע. רק לג'אש סמית ודייויד ווסט הצעירים יחסית כמו בוש בן ה-28 ישנה סטטיסטיקה כזאת.  לדמרכוס קאזן ישנה אפילו סטטיסטיקה טובה יותראבל לבוש יש דבר שלהם אין: שתי טבעות. רק בגלל ימיו בטורונטו כשהיה קולע 25 נק' למשחק אנשים חושבים שהוא בירידה. הי, אחא, אתה שוכח שבכל סידרת פלייאוף הוא שמר על סנטרים גבוהים כמוהו או יותר, והוא היה הכוכב שהציל את מיאמי בריבאונדים ומשחק הגנה יעיל ביותר שניתרל את דאנקן, ובמשחק הששי והשביעי העפיל עליו..


Just imagine what Chris Bosh could do now if he were to find himself functioning as a No. 1 option again. For all of his shortcomings on the glass, Bosh is still an incredible offensive player whose numbers are only tempered by the presences of LeBron James and Dwyane Wade.

The 29-year-old averaged only 16.6 points per game, which was easily the lowest average since his rookie season. However, he did so with remarkable efficiency. Not only did Bosh start making more three-pointers than ever before, but he shot better inside the arc as well.

Bosh's 53.5 percent shooting from the field gave him his third season making more shots than he missed. It also easily surpassed the 2009-10 campaign when he shot 51.8 percent.

The power forward isn't declining. His role is just changing to help out the Miami Heat, and it's obviously working based on the results of the last two seasons.



ust give Anthony Davis another year, and he'll be a lock for the top 10.

The Unibrow was fantastic (offensively and in terms of help defense) during his injury-plagued rookie year. More comfort against the big bodies of the NBA will do him wonders, as will avoiding too much missed time.


Kenneth Faried, Denver Nuggets

Kenneth Faried is a rebounding monster, but he's become more than just a glorified role player with the Denver Nuggets. He's a budding offensive player with good defensive instincts, and he runs the court as well as anyone.

Plus, he's still only 23 years old.


David Lee, Golden State Warriors

Defense counts.

As good as Lee has been offensively—and he's undoubtedly one of the best offensive power forwards in the game—I just can't overlook how porous he was on the less glamorous end. Defense is half the battle, and Lee can't be truly elite until he recognizes that.


Paul Millsap, Atlanta Hawks

The undersized big man is a fantastic energy player, and he constantly manages to embarrass bigger players with his ridiculous reserves of energy.

Millsap will never blow anyone away with a set of highlight plays in quick succession, but he's a consistently excellent producer of points, rebounds and defense.

ge: 23

Per-Game Stats: 13.2 points, 7.7 rebounds, 0.5 assists, 0.4 steals, 3.0 blocks, 19.4 PER


In my book, Serge Ibaka was a little overrated throughout the opening stanza of his career. He capitalized on the most glamorous of defensive plays and convinced the world that he was a standout defender just because he swatted away more shots than anyone else.

However, Ibaka often played with reckless abandon, and his rejections came at the expense of defensive positioning. He was a shot-blocker, but he wasn't a true rim-protector.

According to Synergy Sports (subscription required), Ibaka allowed 0.88 points per possession during the 2011-12 season. That's good for…282nd place. So I suppose it's not really good at all. Ibaka was terrible closing out on spot-up shooters and really struggled with solid post players, largely because he was too busy seeking more blocks.

In 2012-13, his overall defense stayed at just about the same level (he moved up to No. 256), but that's because he had even more trouble with spot-up shooters. He



m: Miami Heat

Age: 29

Per-Game Stats: 16.6 points, 6.8 rebounds, 1.7 assists, 0.9 steals, 1.4 blocks, 20.0 PER


Just imagine what Chris Bosh could do now if he were to find himself functioning as a No. 1 option again. For all of his shortcomings on the glass, Bosh is still an incredible offensive player whose numbers are only tempered by the presences of LeBron James and Dwyane Wade.

The 29-year-old averaged only 16.6 points per game, which was easily the lowest average since his rookie season. However, he did so with remarkable efficiency. Not only did Bosh start making more three-pointers than ever before, but he shot better inside the arc as well.

Bosh's 53.5 percent shooting from the field gave him his third season making more shots than he missed. It also easily surpassed the 2009-10 campaign when he shot 51.8 percent.

The power forward isn't declining. His role is just changing to help out the Miami Heat, and it's obviously working based on the results of the last two seasons.


Per-Game Stats: 15.4 points, 11.2 rebounds, 1.4 assists, 0.8 steals, 0.4 blocks, 17.9 PER


The national perception of Zach Randolphseems to be lagging behind his actual value, and that's thanks to the recency effect.

We human beings have an easier time remembering what happened last, and Z-Bo's awful outing against the San Antonio Spurs is burned into our minds. During those four games, Randolph averaged only 11 points and 12 rebounds per contest, shooting just 30.2 percent from the field.

But don't let that shake your overall perception of the dominant big man.

He's still a force to be reckoned with on the boards, using his strength and knack for positioning to compete for the league lead in rebounds. In fact, only Reggie Evans, Omer Asik, J.J. Hickson and Nikola Vucevic had higher total rebounding percentages during the 2012-13 season.

Randolph's game is limited to right around the basket, and that limits his long-term upside, but there's no doubt he's ready to submit another season that leaves him as a strong candidate for the All-Star squad.

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Team: Brooklyn Nets

Age: 37

Per-Game Stats: 14.8 points, 7.8 rebounds, 2.3 assists, 1.1 steals, 0.9 blocks, 19.2 PER


Kevin Garnett doesn't let Father Time affect him. He laughs in the face of old age.

Well, that's a slight exaggeration. The wear and tear on his tires has caused KG to decline, but he's changed his role so that he can remain a highly effective player.

Garnett no longer spends as much time around the basket, preferring to let the younger, more resilient players do the banging around in the paint. Instead, he's shifted out into mid-range land, and he's improved his shot more and more each year.

According to Hoopdata.com, only LaMarcus Aldridge and Chris Bosh made more jumpers per game from 16 to 23 feet, and KG's field-goal percentage from that range (47 percent) just blows Aldridge out of the water.

The other key for the new member of the Brooklyn Nets has been maintaining his defensive excellence.

As Synergy Sports (subscription required) shows, even with his declining speed preventing him from effectively closing out on spot-up shooters, Garnett allowed only 0.76 points per possession. That's a mark beaten by only 28 players throughout the NBA, regardless of position.

Against post-up players, KG remained über-elite, allowing just 0.64 points per possession. For the sake of comparison, Marc Gasol and Tyson Chandler allowed 0.66 and 0.64, respectively.


eam: Detroit Pistons

Age: 27

Per-Game Stats: 17.5 points, 8.4 rebounds, 4.2 assists, 1.2 steals, 1.8 blocks, 17.7 PER


If Josh Smith ever figured out the mental part of the game, he'd have the potential to vault all the way up to No. 1 in the positional rankings. But instead he consistently insists on firing away jumpers from the outside, even after far too many of them draw nothing but iron.

Only 43 qualified players (40 games played, 20-plus minutes per game) took at least 3.5 shots per game from 16 to 23 feet during the 2012-13 season. Of them, Monta Ellis, Jrue Holiday, DeMarcus Cousins and Smoove were the only guys to shoot below 35 percent.

Here's a tip: Stop shooting.

However, it's obviously not all negative for Smith, or else he wouldn't be ranked No. 6 among all power forwards. He brings so many positives to the table that they easily overshadow his unfortunate trigger-happy tendencies.

Smith is one of the league's premier stat-stuffers, loading up box scores with contributions in every single category imaginable. He's a versatile offensive player and a true game-changer on defense thanks to his perimeter defense, interior stopping skills and fantastic shot-blocking habits.

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Team: Dallas Mavericks

Age: 35

Per-Game Stats: 17.3 points, 6.8 rebounds, 2.5 assists, 0.7 steals, 0.7 blocks, 19.8 PER


How much longer do we get to see vintage Dirk Nowitzki before old age saps the remaining stardom out of his veins?

The German 7-footer dispelled most concerns after returning from the first surgery of his career to almost lead the Dallas Mavericks into the postseason. The team was 28-25 with Dirk in the lineup and only 13-16 without him.

He also took a little while to get going, a clear byproduct of starting the season in media res. But over the last 10 games of the regular season, Dirk averaged 18.5 points, 6.5 rebounds and 2.7 assists per contest.

Gone are the days when the power forward can single-handedly carry his team through the postseason, but his All-Star days aren't behind him quite yet. Dirk is still one of the premier talents in the league, and he claims one of the most unstoppable shots in basketball history: that one-legged flamingo fadeaway.

Expect another dominant season from the big man, even if age is causing his defensive and rebounding skills to fade away.

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Jayne Kamin-Oncea-USA TODAY Sports

Team: Los Angeles Clippers

Age: 24

Per-Game Stats: 18.0 points, 8.3 rebounds, 3.7 assists, 1.2 steals, 0.6 blocks, 22.4 PER


Blake Griffin was underrated at the start of his career. Then he was overrated because of the hype associated with his dunking ability. But now he's been called overrated so many times by people who refuse to see the improvements that he's underrated once more.


Yeah, me too.

What isn't confusing is the undeniable fact that Griffin has gotten better since entering the league. He hasn't improved at the quick pace we both hoped for and expected, but he's developed a wider variety of post moves, improved his shooting ever so slightly and started to become much more of an impactful defender.

According to Synergy, Griffin allowed 0.83 points per possession during his latest NBA season. That ranks him at No. 107 in the NBA, and it's a mark he can improve upon as he gets better in the post.

What many don't recognize is that Griffin has become a fantastic defender in isolation settings and when he's guarding the roll man in a pick-and-roll set. You can literally count the number of players who allowed fewer points per possession on PnR roll men than Griffin with two hands.

Griffin hasn't lived up to our unrealistic expectations, but don't let that dissuade you from recognizing him as a high-quality player.

Maybe next season he can actually show up in the playoffs, though.

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ndiana Pacers

Age: 32

Per-Game Stats: 17.1 points, 7.7 rebounds, 2.9 assists, 1.0 steals, 0.9 blocks, 20.1 PER


David West's value is most easily summarized just by looking at how the Indiana Pacers played with and without him in the lineup. Courtesy of Basketball-Reference, the table shows the team's points per 100 possessions in each situation:

Points Scored Points Allowed
West On 107.9 99.6
West Off 99.6 100.4

And because one chart is never enough, let's take a look at the same stats in the postseason:

Points Scored Points Allowed
West On 106.4 102.7
West Off 97.8 107.2

The regular season wasn't a fluke, and neither was the postseason. West has one of the biggest two-way impacts in the NBA. He's still the heart and soul of the Pacers thanks to his gutty play and willingness to sacrifice his body on any given possession.

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Jordan White, Hardwood Paroxysm: Kevin Love. Love's limited season robbed us of one of the NBA's best young players, one who is capable of posting a 20-point, 20-rebound line on any given night. He has improved enough on the defensive end to where he's no longer a liability, and is in fact decent in man-to-man situations. Still, his calling card is on offense, where he can do equal damage from inside and out and on the boards.


2. Who's the most underrated power forward in the NBA?



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Christensen: Kevin Love. He doesn't have the sexiest game and is coming of an injury plagued season in which he played only 18 games. Love is a very good free throw shooter, an above average 3-point threat for his size and a double-double machine. Show him some love.


Levy: LeBron James. Underrated and LeBron don't usually overlap, but the only reason he isn't my answer to the first question is the lingering shadow of traditional positional designations. He played the majority of his minutes as a power forward last season, but it was difficult to tell because he single-handedly redefined the standards of versatility.


Polk: David West. I love the contrast between West's studied, schematic midpost game and his bricklayer attitude. The dude is just a house of pain.


Shelburne: Al Horford. He's been forced to play center and go up against much bigger guys the past couple of seasons because of Atlanta's limitations, but still managed to hold his own and grow his game in relative anonymity. I would've loved to see him paired up with a true center like Dwight Howard (so would the Hawks, by the way) but it was not to be, and now he faces an even bigger challenge without Josh Smith to help protect the rim.


White: Ryan Anderson. Perhaps it was New Orleans' miserable season that caused Anderson to fly under the radar, or maybe it was the misconception that Anderson is simply a 3-point specialist. True, his long-range sniping is his specialty (he shot 38 percent from deep last year), but he also moves very well without the ball and is a surprisingly efficient rebounder, averaging 7.5 rebounds per 36 minutes last season.


3. Who's the most overrated power forward in the NBA?



Christensen: Blake Griffin. The human highlight reel is all about power and thunderous dunks. However, he still has ways to go with his jumper and his post game is lackluster. He has gotten better with his free throw shooting but is still under 70 percent.


Levy: David Lee. His ability to hit the midrange shot, score in the post and operate from the elbows make him an important offensive cog. But Lee's defensive deficiencies are so significant that it's often a wash. He's a useful player, but just looking at point totals inflates his value.


Polk: Serge Ibaka. Yes, Ibaka is a menacing shot blocker, and yes, he has nice touch from 15 feet. But his shot-blocking has always distracted fans from his team defensive shortcomings. And last year's playoffs revealed just how limited his offensive game still is.


Shelburne: Andrea Bargnani. It's a little odd to be dumping on him after one of his worst seasons as a professional, but such is the life of a former No. 1 overall pick. Bargnani is positioned for a nice rebound season with the Knicks, if he can stay healthy. Tyson Chandler will cover up his liabilities as a defender and rebounder, Carmelo Anthony will alleviate the pressure Bargnani has always faced to live up to that No. 1 pick status. Or at least one would hope so, as Bargnani's 11.27 PER rating last year was dreadful.


White: David Lee. Yes, he's very good on offense, but any work he does on that end is essentially negated by his production (or lack thereof) on defense. Lee is a defensive sieve, letting opponents have their way in the post or further out, ranking in the bottom five in proximal field goal percentage, allowing opponents to shoot 53 percent against him.


4. Who's the most promising power forward in the NBA?



Christensen: Anthony Davis. Playing for New Orleans, it is easy to fly under the radar, but Davis had a very decent rookie season. He averaged 13.5 points, 8.2 rebounds, 1.8 blocks and 1.2 steals. He still has to get stronger and develop his post game, but he will definitely be one the best power forwards in the NBA in seasons to come.


Levy: Anthony Davis. His promise is covered with the brightly patterned paper of defensive dominance and wrapped with a ribbon of supreme athleticism. Any frontcourt player who can single-handedly control the paint on defense will always find NBA success, and Davis can be that a thousand times over, to say nothing of his untapped potential at the offensive end.


Polk: Anthony Davis. At age 19, just two years removed from high school, battling injury and with very little refinement in his game, Davis still managed to be a relatively efficient NBA scorer and rebounder. And with that serpentine body and the ridiculous things he can do athletically, Davis has the potential to be a crushing defender.


Shelburne: Blake Griffin. That sounds like a strange answer for a guy whose made the All-Star team in his first three years in the league, but as Chris Paul noted the other day, Griffin is still far from reaching his ceiling as an NBA player. As talented as he is, Griffin is still working to improve his midrange game, timing with the pick-and-roll and defense. At best, he projects to a Karl Malone-type player. At worst, he's Shawn Kemp.


White: Anthony Davis. This is a somewhat circumstantial answer, as the Pelicans could easily move Davis to center full time if his body fills out. However, given that Davis played most of his minutes at power forward last season, I'll give him the label of most promising at this position. He displays a preternatural sense of timing on defense, which, when combined with his tremendous length, makes him a shot-blocking terror and overall menace at that end.


5. Who will be the best power forward in the NBA in five years?



Christensen: Kenneth Faried. Probably the most exciting player to watch in the league. He is a fierce rebounder and hustles at all times. He moves well without the ball and doesn't necessarily need the rock to help his team win. When he develops his offensive game, he will be the best power forward in the NBA.


Levy: Anthony Davis, again. He shows the most promise, and I haven't seen any reason to think he won't deliver on that promise.


Polk: Anthony Davis. I considered Love, but I worry that the incredible effort required to do the things he does will hamper his rebounding production down the road. So I'm going to gamble on Davis' defensive potential and say that, at 25, he'll be combining an efficient offensive game with the ability to destroy anything an opposing offense tries to do.


Shelburne: Blake Griffin. I repeat myself, but in this case it's because I know the man's work ethic and desire to be great. Plus, there's the matter of Chris Paul pushing him every day. There's a good argument to be made for Love, Davis, or Aldridge, but in terms of ability, talent and ceiling, it's Griffin all the way. Love and Aldridge pretty much are what they're going to be, and Davis projects out to a Kevin Garnett-type, if he can add a post game and midrange jumper. But Griffin has the talent and drive to surpass all of them, if he continues to develop.


White: Anthony Davis. Again, this comes with the caveat that Davis is of the rare hybrid power forward/center breed and, in five years, could easily be a center. That said, Davis is already a terrific defensive player in the frontcourt and hasn't even begun to scratch the surface of his potential on offense. His rookie year per 36 averages of 16.9 points, 10.2 rebounds and 2.2 blocks already foretell of a dominant two-way player.


ESPN.com and the TrueHoop Network

Sebastian Christensen covers the NBA for ESPN Deportes. Ramona Shelburne covers the NBA for ESPN Los Angeles. Ian Levy, Benjamin Polk and Jordan White are part of the TrueHoop Network.

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לפוסט הזה יש 11 תגובות

  1. הצצתי בכמה סרטונים שלו. באמת כישרון ברמה אחרת.

    הייתי שמח לראות אותו עובר שנה במכללות לפני שייכנס למקום שבו הגדולים מרביצים, הטיסות ארוכות והמשחקים צפופים.
    ראיתי לא מזמן מחקר, נדמה לי שזה היה מחקר, ששחקנים שנכנסים מוקדם מדי למקצוענים חשופים יותר לפציעות קשות.
    הוא צעיר ומוכשר, ויש לו עוד הרבה שנים של משחק.

    חוץ מזה, נגיד שכרמלו לא מאריך חוזה, הניקס עושים טנקינג והילד האוסטרלי מגיע אלינו עוד שנתיים. מה רע?

  2. בסוף המאה ה-19 ניטשה פתח את העידן הפוסט המודרני-ניהיליסטי באומרו:

    בראש ובראשונה רוצה כל חי את כוחו להפעיל – החיים עצמם הם רצון לעוצמה: הקיום העצמי אינו אלא אחת התוצאות העקיפות והמצויות ביותר של רצון זה.

    ייתכן וכי אתם עצמכם עומדים לחזות ברגע זה בעידן חדש בחידת נפש האדם כי אני אומר לומר: ניטשה טעה. ניטשה טעה כי כשאני מסתכל על בחורה יפה ברחוב, אני יודע, אני יודע שאין זה קשור לשום רצון ובטח שלא לעוצמה. אני יודע את זה כי אני צופה בה, והיא כל כך יפה, ותמימה. וגם אילו בא ואומר 'זה בכלל שאתה צופה באישה בריאה, אתה רוצה להזדווג איתה ולהוליד ילדים, לקיים את האבולוציה' ושאר הקשקוש הפסודו מדעי הזה; הייתי אומר לא ולא, כי אני יודע שאני לעולם לא אגש לבחורה זאת. כי אני מוג לב ופחדן, אבל זה אני.

    אותו דבר כשאני צופה בכדורסל, כדורסל טהור של תנועות אדם המנסות לגרום לכדור להיכנס לסל.

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